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                          STEEL, LEATHER AND GASOLINE                                             Tom O’Neill Steel, Leather and Gasoline: combinations that can make powerful men weak, weak men feel strong and virtually all men …

RACE CARS by Tom O’Neill

                                             RACE CARS                                                Tom O’Neill   Race cars are specificallybuilt machines that combine innovation and invention, engineering, physics, advanced design,  aerodynamics, technology and mechanics; resulting in an automobile that can go fast, have endurance and reliability, handle with precision and predictability, have superior braking capability and do all of these things while providing maximum protection to the …

All Things British by Tom O’Neill

                              ALL THINGS, BRITISH!                                    Tom O’Neill It is of interest to note that British cars have been the object of much critical commentover the years, boisterous anecdotes, witty sarcasm …

Do You Drive That Car by Tom O’Neill

“DO YOU DRIVE THAT CAR?” Tom O’Neill Most of us who drive classic or exotic cars have been asked that question many times byappreciative people looking at our cars. It is actually a more profound question than itappears because it really cuts to the very core of who we are as the keepers and caretakersof these cars.The very nature of …

Biscotti & Cars Site Launch!

Welcome to the Biscotti and Cars Website displaying images from current, prior and future events. We welcome submission of selected high quality jpeg images taken by attendees at Biscotti and Cars events as well as other car events.  We also welcome constructive, informative and humorous email comments from attendees about Biscotti and Cars events. And, finally, we welcome email corrections …